What is Transpersonal Birth Mentoring?

Transpersonal means to value and explore areas of consciousness beyond the personal identity.

Transpersonal is a branch of psychology that values and centres the spiritual aspects of human life alongside the mental, emotional and somatic. In Transpersonal Birth Mentoring we also acknowledge the way systems and social norms impact our experience and whole health. Transpersonal Birth Mentoring is a unique and powerful modality for folks who may feel traditional therapy lacks acknowledgement of our spiritual life and/or may feel disenchanted by the fluffy "new age spiritual" world, too. TBM blends the spiritual, psychological, somatic and systemic aspects of the human journey of healing and self actualisation.

What is Birth Energy?

The creative force from which all life grows and all change begins.

Birth energy is creative life force. Of course this relates to the birth of babies but we also walk with birth energy when we enter all manner of new ventures like creating or reconfiguring a business, rebirthing ourselves or even reconfiguring how we want to relate to others. The current paradigm is in a deep process of rebirth, we can think of these profound times as the contraction before expansion. So much creative energy is available to us, so many of us are healing and finding that the lives we are currently creating are no longer in alignment. We work with birth energy during these prophetic times, when we are asked to do the hard work of creating powerful, new (ancient) ways of being individually and collectively.

Who this is for

Those who are...

  • Pregnant or planning to be and wanting to move toward this initiation feeling supported, powerful and aware

  • Mothers and those in mothering roles divesting from a dominant overarching culture that conflates mothering and care roles with sacrifice

  • Interested in entering the birth and healing work realm

  • Already working in the birth and healing work realm but wanting to expand and be supported in their practice.

  • Space holders who know that birthwork and healing work are sacred responsibilities that first and foremost require healing and self awareness within the one holding space

  • Know that healing and birth work cannot be certified, that the only “expert” in anyones experience or story is themselves. It is in community and shared story that we are more able to create new pathways to expansion or “the new world”

  • Want to do life and business differently to the way they have been taught, unravelling the outdated and oppressive thought patterns that keep us playing small.

  • May feel on the precipice of embracing the vital role of Matriarchal leadership in their families and lives but may not have embodied Matriarchal role models or elders to look to for guidance.

  • Want to expand their understanding of themselves so they can feel more confident in Mothering their children, leading their families, businesses and ultimately their communities.

  • Wanting to decolonise the way they look at, understand, move through and ultimately create the world.


    We follow a framework that starts with understanding and unpacking what we have come to understand as “normal" -- We will ask "How did we get here?" and "How is my experience being impacted by social and systemic structures, my micro and macro conditioning?" --- Each week will be an opportunity to explore and dive deeper into our internal thresholds created by systems and structures that have impacted our lives individually and humanity on a collective scale. We will look at the ways in which our lens’ has been informed by micro and macro conditioning and early imprinting that we refer to as the “Blueprint”. The mentorship will invite you to begin stripping back the layers that no longer serve you, to become adept at identifying what is your truth and what is imprinting so you may walk more freely and create your experience from a more aligned place. These tools will also allow for you to meet others more fully in their experience. Each week we will have a different theme including: Birth imprints, Birth Trauma from a Transpersonal perspective, The colonisation of Birth, The culture of Mother as Martyr: How Mother is Martyred on the altar of "success", (Earth) Mother Centred business, families and communities. And more. We will be joined by very special guests who will bring their wisdom into the space for us to then unpack together.


    While our sessions will have a theme each week with certain content we will cover, I am not rigid in how I navigate sessions and do not facilitate in a hierarchical way or through a traditional teaching lens. Each session will create it’s own energy based on what each of us is journeying with that day and I will follow the threads that present themselves intuitively and based on the need of the moment. If you prefer the kind of facilitation that echoes content heavy, top down, traditional style facilitation that mimics school or corporate sector you may not align with this mentorship. I facilitate in a way that is intuitive and privileges what is alive for me and the group each day, while also honouring the intention of this container and the intended learning outcomes. As a group member you are valued, I acknowledge that you will have wisdom and learning to share, so the space will be available for you to share and respond.


    This container centres mothering and understands that children must be welcomed into our spaces, children belong in community and this is integral to creating a new paradigm where parenting is once again seen as sacred. There is malleability and acceptance within this space - your capacity is honoured. We ask that you show up as you are, and you will be gently supported to remove any masks that may be holding you back from showing up authentically. We live in a patriarchal structure and are largely forced to learn and work in a patriarchal framework, where the realities of birthing, mothering, feeding and being whole, complex humans is not respected or even really acknowledged. We are re-writing this paradigm and bringing forth new pathways that centre Mother and Matriarchy, Mothers deserve to learn in environments that celebrate them and their children, that understand the nature of mothering and make space for it.


    The core of Transpersonal Birth Mentoring is the understanding that the best birth preparation we can do is to learn about ourselves, unravel our conditioning and move toward birth and child rearing from a place of our deep truth and self awareness. We understand birth preparation as the biggest work we can do in this lifetime. TBM is for those who understand that to birth and raise babies is the most sacred and important role available and the opportunity for healing and expansion through this is of the absolute highest value. Through this mentorship you will be asked to reflect deeply on your own birth, your ancestral imprints and social conditioning so that you may bring your new baby into this world from a clearer and more powerful state of being. These are very potent and transformative times, bringing children through at this time requires us to be in more fully in our power so we can sift through the noise and guide them in the way they deserve and need to be guided. We will explore birth imprints, birth trauma and the system, the value of physiology, placenta wisdom and care and birth will be woven through the entirety of the mentorship.


    This mentorship is for both personal and professional development. It is not possible to separate the two if we are to create and run businesses in sustainable ways that honour our wholeness and the wholeness of those we walk with. It is imperative that we do the necessary work to heal our own conditioning around what it means to work, be successful and run businesses if we are to create sustainable careers that nourish us both financially and spiritually. This mentorship is intended to show in an embodied way that another way is possible, we can do business differently and in a way that centres Mothering and remembers the Earth. We will unpack the patriarchal ways we have been taught to view "success" and how these have been dependent on Mothers being Martyred, including Mother Earth. We will spend time exploring what really nourishes you and what your medicine really is so you may birth it into the world with confidence and support.


    Yes, all classes will be recorded and uploaded into our online portal for those who can't make it live and for you to revisit at any time.


    Whether you are on your own personal healing journey or walking with others on theirs in a professional capacity, I will facilitate and share with you processes I utilise often in sessions with those I work with. You have access to my facilitation style, transpersonal processes and the tools I personally use to hold space for/regulate myself and to hold space for others. Through story we will explore some case studies and skills that can be utilised in certain therapeutic situations. We will look at the ethics of space holding and how integral our own self work really is. You will learn what is needed in order to meet people where they are and tools to ensure you are honouring your own capacity. While this mentorship speaks to birth, it is not only for folks birthing babies or birthwork businesses as the energy of birth is present in all manner of creative pursuits.

What's Included

  • Six months of mentorship and support

    This mentorship is the only program I will offer for 2023, it is an opportunity to work together in an immersive, slow and integrative way. You will have the support of Aimee as a mentor and of your likeminded community over a six month period.

  • 1 x 4 hour opening workshop

    An initial collective ceremony to birth our container together and begin our journey from a deeply connected and supportive place.

  • Initial One-on-One

    We will meet for an initial one on one to get a feel for each other and get clear on your intention.

  • 10 x 2 hr + Group Sessions

    Each week will be an opportunity to dive deeper into our internal thresholds created by systems and structures that have impacted our lives.

  • Closing One-on-One

    We will meet at the end of our time together to support you with integration and “what’s next..”

  • Ebook, workbooks and guided reflective processes

    You will have access to supportive resources in our online portal

  • Guest Speakers

    In two sessions we will be joined by deeply embodied and expansive teachers. Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza and Ella Noah Bancroft

  • Online Portal

    Our online portal is a place for learning and community. It will contain our workbooks, learning resources and recordings of each class with reflective processes. We will also establish a community forum to stay connected.


Sign up now for an early bird discount of $500 (the course cost will revert to $3,500 from 25th April) or choose one of our payment plan options (which can be paid over 4, 6 or 8 months).

What Participants Are Saying

“I joined Aimee’s mentorship without knowing my ‘why’, my intuition led me to join in a heart beat. There is no question upon reflection that I needed her guidance so desperately. In business and parenting and partnering and life. The way that Aimee structured the mentorship meant that each session was able to be reflected on, explored, and integrated in many parts of my life simultaneously. The group that showed up each week meant that there became a comfort with sharing and exploring things together. But I think that it’s the way that Aimee shows up with integrity and honesty, with some magical way of prompting the individual to dive slightly deeper, and then holding our hands and ever so gently unpacking a story. It was mind blowing to witness! I didn’t want the mentorship to end and I think about the things I have learnt and integrated daily.”

“I am honoured to write these world about my time with Aimee during the mentorship. The process and work with Aimee has been a transformational journey of letting the old paradigm of myself go. To embrace a new archetype in my journey as a mother and a human being. Aimee holds the most beautiful and safe place! Its a place of tenderness and strength where you are encourage to be fully yourself. A place where you are seen and  loved so you can unravel deep truths of your path.  There is so much potency in the teachings and so much remembrance through them. I am so grateful and I have taken so much from this experience. I am still integrating and uncovering my truth from an authentic place. I feel more embodied and clear on the services I want to offer and where they are sprouting from. i am a more present, secure, strong, compassionate mother. I am on the path of becoming the elder the Earth needs and this mentorship has giving me so many tools to feel this way. Thank you thousand times for your support beautiful sister and mentor. You are a wise, compassionate guide.”

Meet Your Guide

My name is Aimee Aroha. 

I am a Holistic Counsellor and Transpersonal Birth Mentor™ - I have qualifications in Counselling and Community Development and have studied Transpersonal Art Therapy, however I choose to work outside the system in order to honour my values, the full humanity and spiritual aspect of those I walk with and myself as a facilitator. I have studied multiple doula and postpartum care trainings but have found the deepest learnings and wisdoms have come through my own personal healing and birthing journeys as well as through the work I do with others.

Transpersonal Birth Mentoring™ is a modality born of the need I saw for a more holistic way of walking with those on birthing or healing journeys. TBM acknowledges the wholeness of each person and their experience, we look at the spiritual, psychological, somatic and systemic aspects of our experience and value each equally. 

I am an eternal student of this life and this work.

I am a (free)birthing Mama of three children, a woman of Māori and Irish descent who seeks to decolonise modern healing, counselling and the provision of care. 

My purpose is to support folks on their healing journeys, however it needs to look for them.

This work is an extension of myself, it is not separate. I strive to deeply embody the values I hold close and that are in alignment with an Earth centred life. 

To this work I bring my embodied experience, 11 years or mothering and birth experiences, my 10 + year healing journey, my birth knowledge, 10 + years of community development work, my business knowledge, 4 + years of walking with folks through Transpersonal Birth Mentorship, my cultural knowledge and stories, guidance from my own mentors, ancestors and the Earth, a deep passion and fire for this work.